
Essential (and Cool) Laptop Gear

The Elite Tech Dork Lifestyle

That ultraportable you just bought is perfect. In itself. But you could certainly use a sturdy external USB storage drive to go with it. And how about a power strip for travel, and a backup power pack? Maybe pick up a pocket-size scanner, too. Then, of course, you'll need a stylish sack to contain all this techo-greatness.

That's the way it happens: Before you know it, you’re lugging around a whole lot of gear to complement the supersweet, superlight laptop you’re so proudly pulling out at the coffee shop. In short, you don’t just buy a laptop; you’re buy into an elite tech dork lifestyle. That’s why PC World gives you more than some ho-hum laptop toolbox full of cables and such. Read on for a list of functional--and fun--gear that will meet your computer needs whether you’re on the road or setting up shop somewhere. taken from

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