
9 Sure Ways To Get Your Guest Post Rejected

Getting a guest post accepted on a popular and relevant blog is not as easy as it seems. Below you’ll find 9 ways that are guaranteed to get your post rejected. Are you guilty of any?

1. Don’t Follow Instructions

Most blogs have guidelines and rules for guest posting. Don’t read them, don’t follow them, just send your guest post as you feel like. Better yet, read the rules and then send a guest post that breaks them.

2. Don’t Write On The Theme Of The Blog

Make sure your guest post is not related to the content or theme of the blog you are about to guest post on. If the blog is about SEO, send a post about politics or green technology. You will surely get rejected.

3. Don’t Research The Blog

Yes, just send the post because they asked for it. Knowing about the writing style and format style of the blog may just get you accepted and you don’t want that. So forget it.

4. Add Affiliate Links

Yes, add a couple of affiliate links to products and services that will earn you some recurring or one-time income. After all that blog may have more traffic, and you want to make money. This will help in getting your post rejected.

5. Add Many Links To Your Blog

Apart from the affiliate links remember to add 2 or 3 links to your own blog. That is not counting the one in the byline! After all, you need more traffic. This might get your post rejected, but hey at least you tried!

6. Build No Relationship First

Yes, no need to do that. Don’t comment on the blog, link to one of his articles first or establish some kind of conversation. Just email him out of the blue. Bonus point if you assume to be an old friend by starting your email with “Hey man, how is it going?”.

7. Don’t Link To Older Posts on That Blog

Don’t ever think of adding a link to an old post on that blog if you want your post to be rejected. Just write the post and forget about adding any backlinks to their own posts. Remember, you are the one who should win something out of this deal, not the host blogger.

8. Make Lots Of Typos

Yes, I almost forgot. Fill your post with grammatical and typographical errors. Make the post as unreadable as possible, then send it to the blogger. This is a bullet proof method to get your post rejected.

9. Focus on Promoting Yourself

Let your guest post be a complete self promotion. Promote your blog, your products or anything related to you. Forget about the readers or the other blogger, only think about yourself. This is a smart way to get your post rejected –fast. So do it.

These are just a few ways to successfully get your guest post rejected. Needless to say that you should do the opposite if you are looking to get your guest posts accepted.

What other things make you reject guest posts on your blog?

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