
Is blogging really just for old timers?

Maybe I’m just hyper-sensitive on the whole topic of getting older.

After all, I’m getting ready to celebrate the 10th anniversary of my 37th birthday (you do the math), so of course, anything that seems like it’s age-related is just jumping out at me.

So the headline “Is blogging a slog? Some young people think so” hit me almost as hard as the ma’ams do when I’m out buying groceries.

According to a study done by a group at Harvard, kids just aren’t finding blogging cool anymore. Since they’re all so busy texting away, their forms of communication have also become a lot shorter.

Instead of putting their efforts into maintaining blog entries, they’re putting their thoughts, aspirations and advertising copy out there on places like Twitter, where they can do them in 140 character bits, rather than on websites that require more work and time.

But just what is everyone tweeting about? The best tweets — and the ones that get re-tweeted — are about, you guessed it, blogs.

So even with this disheartening news about the younger Internet users turning to quicker takes for more instant gratification, is there still room for good blogging?

Of course there is. Because, with all the quickness and immediacy of tweeting and texting, there remains one thing missing — great content.

After all, while you can get your points out there really fast with a quick text, there really isn’t room for much more than a few words by doing that.

How can you share your political thoughts, your how-tos, or even a great recipe for homemade salsa when you’re limiting yourself to just a few choice words?

According to the article, younger people haven’t entirely abandoned blogging. They’re still using it for working purposes. However, the thrill has gone for those users, and they’re turning to more immediate communications and video to communicate their most pressing issues.

So how do we bring it all together again? The answer is simple — take a look at your blog and see if it’s keeping up with the times.

Are your posts way too long? Are you taking forever to get to the point?

And when you’re writing, are you paying close attention to what someone could grab onto and retweet? Or are you just going on and on about subjects that nobody really cares about but you?

When was the last time you updated your blog? I mean really updated it? When did you make your graphics easy to use? Include a video or a game that readers would find entertaining?

And are you using those new-fangled ways to communicate yourself? Do you have a Twitter account? They’re great for contacting other professionals in your field, and for putting the word out there yourself about what you’ve written.

Keeping your blogs exciting does take a lot of work. However, abandoning the use of a good blog is a big mistake. After all, we all have something to share — and blogs give all of us a great opportunity to share what we know with the world.

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By Djenggot with 0 comments


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